Friday, September 25, 2009
Today , lyanne come to my house , then we play computer together ...
1.00 p.m she reach my house ...
3.30 p.m she say she want to go back to eat... she go back home dy ...
4.10 p.m she ask my parent weather at home anot , then i say don't have , coz today my parent went out do something ...
4.15 p.m she come again , after that play computer again , muahahaa
5.45 p.m my friend call us go out to padang play ...
6.15 p.m we go back home , coz afterward need to tution
7.45 p.m uncle foo ( the tution van ) reach my house , actually not that late de...but today less ppl sit the van . So , uncle foo late come to fetch me ...
7.47 p.m uncle foo reach lyanne house , fetch her ... bcz her father n mother go to china ( so fun leh ) ... so fast fetch her coz her house jz nearby my house ... hahahax
8.10 p.m we reach tution center , math tution >.< Mr .Lee teach us...
8.15 p.m Mr.Lee come in , start teaching~~
8.20 p.m Samantha leong reach theree so late , tution start jor lo~ but hii ^^
8.21 p.m She come in dy , sit down ... i tell her what teacher teach just now , we mark the book borrow my book to her , let her semak... muahahaa
8.21 p.m I so good borrow to her she scold me , hmmp !! next time don't want borrow u jor ( me so perasan , and jz jk only ) ( i sure will borrow to her la , friend wat )
8.23 p.m teacher teach us PERIMETER today , haizz don't know why i started lazy daa...
8.30 p.m Aiyoooo why lynn syn no come ... before that she got tell me hahahaa
9.15 p.m i and lyanne play play play ...but poor little samantha so rajin = = , all ppl keep talk talk talk jz her sit theree so quite , but she also got play little with us too la
9.45 p.m Wooohoooo~~~ go back home looo~~~~ yeah !!! still stay at there more few minute will die d laa >.<
9.49 p.m Uncle Fooo d van came ... go to the van ...
Posted by Emo GirL at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Everything is over, the sad is useless, because the facts can no longer be changed,keep them in a memories
Posted by Emo GirL at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
電話不再響了 The Phone Won't Rang Agn~
晨五點鍾,鬧鐘還沒響,電話就來了,鈴~~~鈴~~~~ 我接起電話:「喂」 潔:「還不起床,上學要遲到啦!」 電話裡的女生,正是我交往7個多月又同班同學的女友–潔。 潔每次都會叫我起床,而我總是每次的開心。 我撒嬌的對她說:「唉唷,現在才五點而已,再讓我睡半個小時嘛!」 潔有點生氣的說:「隨便,遲到了,可別怪我沒叫你」說完,就把電話掛了。 唉…又生氣了,有時候真想不理她,那種脾氣,誰受的了呀! 我對著電話空罵著,不過想一想,要不是有她的話,我也不會有零遲到的記錄呀! 當天晚上,我打電話給她。 潔:「有什麼事呀?大睡豬!」 我說:「怎麼啦?火氣那麼大!」 潔:「還敢說哦,每次都這樣,我校車都比你早耶,你怎麼比我還沒用呀!」 我:「好啦,好啦 !下次不會了啦!別生氣了好嗎?」 潔:「下次下次,你有幾個下次呀?要不然你自己起床好不好,省得我浪費電話費。」 我聽了有點火大的說:「喂!夠了吧!不要太過分哦!不叫就不叫,了不起哦!」 潔:「好!這話是你說的,遲到了,可別怪到我頭上來,還有我和家人今晚要趕 夜車去北部吃喜酒,所以明天要請假,記得要幫我跟老師說哦!」 我有點後悔的問她說:「妳真的不叫我起床哦?」 潔結巴著說:「我...我只叫一次哦!」我們兩同時笑了。 我關心著說:「要小心哦!好了,我要睡了,記得明天要叫我起床哦!」 說完,很捨不得的掛上電話,期待著明天的到來,關上燈,準備要睡覺了。 鈴~~~鈴,電話響了,可是看一看時間,才三點多耶! 接起電話︰「喂?說話呀?喂?」 怎麼沒回應,掛上電話後,又繼續睡了,可是怎麼一股不安的情緒湧上心頭呢? 不管了?睡吧! 鈴~~~鈴,電話聲又響起,有點生氣的 接起電話︰「喂?」 潔:「起床了,該上...學了..」 咦?五點啦?可是潔的聲音怎麼好無力的感覺…可能是昨晚太累了吧!我心裡這麼想。 潔:「別再睡了,要不然...我....我無法叫你了...上..上學要....小心車子啊!」 我說:「妳也要好好休息哦,明天也拜託妳啦!」 潔無力的說:「嗯…如果可以的話…」 什麼意思呀?總覺得有點不太對勁,再看一看手錶,五點20了! 我說:「好了!就這樣了!好好休息哦!我快遲到了!」 潔哭著說:「對…不…起」 嘟-- -我掛了電話,咦?潔好像說了什麼?算了?上學要緊!晚上再打給她! 我一邊著急著起床,一邊心想,怎麼那麼晚叫我呀?該不會還在賭氣吧? 到了學校之後,我想到我要去幫潔請假,於是我就到導師室去找老師。 我說:「老師,我是來幫潔請假的!」 老帥苦著臉對我說:「潔...不用請假了!」說完,老師哭了。 我突然有種不好的感覺,急著向老師問明白:「老師,怎麼哭了?為什麼不用請假了呢?」 老師:「潔…和家人出去時,被一台大卡車衝撞!而潔,在今早宣告死亡。」 不會吧!無法接受事實的我當場痛哭了起來,不顧周圍的人怎麼看我。 大聲的哭叫著:「她今早才打電話給我的,不可能!」 老師也哭著說:「我帶你去看她吧!」 到了醫院,進到太平間,冰冷的身體,殘酷的事實,就呈現在我眼前。 看著她手上還拿著手機,顯示著我家的電話,我崩潰了,完全無法接受這個事實。 我哭著對潔說︰「起床了,還睡,上學遲到了!」 我痛哭著跪了下來,一直喊,直到全身沒力氣為止… 回到家後,我抱疲憊的身體,躺在床上,己經沒有力氣的我, 再也完全哭不出來了,隔天,鬧鐘響了,五點20了,心裡想著… 可惡!潔怎麼沒叫我呢?急著要起床的同時,我又哭了。 因為,潔再也不可能叫我起床了… |
真正愛你的人 不會說很多愛你的話...卻會做很多愛你的事... 如果你身邊有這樣的人 請你好好珍惜這緣分...錯過了這次再也遇不到那麼好的人... 世界上最遙遠的距離不是生與死,而是我就站在你面前你卻不知道我愛你 世界上最遙遠的距離是明明知道彼此相愛卻不能在一起 世界上最遙遠的距離是明明無法抵擋這股想念卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡 |
Posted by Emo GirL at 3:31 PM 0 comments
it's so funny ~~~ muahaha
Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?
Operator : Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller : No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator : You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller : I'm Sam Wan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.
Operator : I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller : Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator : Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgen t matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller : You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator : I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller : Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!
Posted by Emo GirL at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
对不起 我真的爱你
不管你会怎么想 你怎么说
Posted by Emo GirL at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Posted by Emo GirL at 10:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice,
And the way that we touch,
I love your warm smile,
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring,
To my life everyday,
I love you today,
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever,
With all of my heart.
Posted by Emo GirL at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Just now..i ply my friend quizz...i get lot of them also below then 50 %...
I feel that i'm the worst friend in the world ...T.T
Hope them won't angry me...please 4gif me...
Haizz..cnt think that..i'll get the result is that bad...
If u all angry me...i won't blame u all =)
Coz all also my fault...wish me can know u all more well as i can ...^^
Gambateh ! ! LOL ! !
Posted by Emo GirL at 10:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
emo?? sadness ??
8 september 2009
don't know what happen...
last time i won't like cnt smile out ... if i smile out or even laugh out also come out from my heart...but now...i feel that got sumthing making me cnt happy...i laugh or smile also not coming out from my heart...
just like this picxXxx...
Posted by Emo GirL at 10:11 AM 0 comments
8 september 2009
ENG 英语~~~
Everyone has their own strengths and their weekness , not because of your shortcomings and despair should be proud of your own strengths...
CHIN 华语~~
Posted by Emo GirL at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
connection suckx ! ! ! LOL ! !
7 september 2009
why today keeep troublesome zZzZzzZzzzZZz
Posted by Emo GirL at 9:22 AM 0 comments
careless =P..heheex
7 september 2009
Just now my note book switch off itself ... coz 4get charge it ...actually want charge it but play until n be until half...chik chak...close already...hehee..=P
Posted by Emo GirL at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
which JOB style Fits me Best???
5 september 2009
I play a quiz just now title is which job style fits me the best...
i cnt think it is me tht is ...tht is...
the quizz say like that:
Posted by Emo GirL at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Sorry~~Mei Ling~~ =)
5 september 2009
Today is my friend Mei Ling birthday ... 4get TO tell her happy bday!!! =P
Well~~ Happy Bday to Mei Ling ! !
Sorry for 4get yr bday hehex...hope u dun mind
Posted by Emo GirL at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
LOL = Zz_Mental Case_zZ = LOL
4 september 2009
So ...funny laa today...
Today i go to school quite early...coz cheau tyan and jia jia is sitting another aunty car...
When i reach friend not yet come...after i put my ying come already...HELLO ! ! Then , we walk around the school ( coz soo bored sitting at the dewan )
Then we walk walk walk loo...
After that , my friend say a * guy * keep watching me ==...then i say no laa...watching her...ahahaax...we kip saying each the last i say no laa not watching we two ( just play play )
About ten minutes jia ling came...she ask for li ying teman her go out school for change coins to notes cause she too many coins . Then she go with her dee...hahaax.
Then after she go..lynn syn came...Yeah ~~~ another friend come already...HELLo agn =P
After that , kei lam came too..HeLLo agn n agn...hahaa....
We walk walk together ...
The same ans come agn...* that guy watching you * i ans them * don't oversensitive* ... hehe... i think is oversensitif...hahax....
Why three ppl say the same thingi?? i feel confusing...haizz...don't care about it loo...hey hey...wad to do now?? ying so fast come back wan...then she say jz change coin only ma...O.o...okay...hehe
Not Longer...hui shan , sherline , annie , jianne , n moree come adii.... the pengawas keep calling us sit to out place ....we just sit back our *place *...
Posted by Emo GirL at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Foot Nail ~ ~ T.T
2 september 2009
Today , when after tution BM...Coz our shoe put outside the tution center ... So , we go out to take our shoe ..then balik rumah...hahaa...While ...i'm wana take my frenzZz sis din't saw me...accidently step my leg ( she wear her shoe adii ) damn freaking pain...hehe...
After she noe..she say sorry ...then..nvm ( i ans her ) ^^...i not so hot tempered loo ( not lc yaa ) =D...When i go back home...i saw my foot nail like gonna broke...T.T...Luckly , not the whole foot nail wana broke out...=P...soo lucky...hehe...
Why i alwayzz unlucky when BM tution...i HATE it laaa...( coz see the stupid teacher) ??? I'm not aimed at him..i don't know what reason will hate him...
But who call him sooo smelly...alwiyzz simply scold ppl...n more...
Hope them ( my frenz ) will not coz kena *him* then unlucky ^^...LOL ! !
Posted by Emo GirL at 11:01 AM 0 comments